Literary Review: “Diversity Doesn’t Stick Without Inclusion”
Laura Sherbin and Ripa Rashid’s article titled “Diversity Doesn’t Stick Without Inclusion” does a masterful job of explaining what I’ve been feeling lately; that we’ve been expending way too much time on the topic of diversity, and not enough on inclusion. I...
Review of the Annual CASE Conference: Halifax Edition
While local retailers are already decking their early-September halls with Halloween costumes, a plethora of winter ware and advent calendars (!?!?), some of us here at CAES are not yet ready to accept the closing of our 2018 summer (me)! So let’s talk summer for a...
2018 Community Futures Treaty 7 Annual Stampede BBQ
Community Futures Treaty 7, alongside Aboriginal Futures and Fat Systems, host what has become one of the best attended and well known Stampede BBQ’s in the city of Calgary. I have volunteered for the past 10 years (Helping guide the food line as well as head...
#GETLOUD: 7 Tips for Preserving Mental Health during Workplace Changes
During the span of a person’s career, it’s not unusual to experience at least a few substantial changes at the workplace. These changes might look like corporate restructuring, layoffs, departure of key staff, rapid growth of programming/services, adoption of new...
#GETLOUD: Workplace Wellness with Dr. Joti Samra, R.Psych. ~ Principal & Founder of
This week I had the pleasure of connecting with Dr. Joti Samra to ask her a few questions about psychological health and safety in the workplace. Dr. Samra is a national thought leader on issues relating to mental health. She is Program Lead for the online Centre...
The ‘Brand’ of Disability Advocacy
Social work researcher sparks national conversation on increased quality of life for adults with autism. There is an interesting and provocative question posed by the researcher in this article; "how well equipped are employers to include people with autism (spectrum...
Getting Away From It All: The Value of Team Building
It is difficult to talk about the CAES team without first boasting about them. Throughout many employment endeavours, I have been fortunate enough to have worked with many memorable individuals: some inspirational, some passionate, driven, intelligent, eclectic,...
My Experience with ‘The Ethics of Helping’
How many times a day do Ethics show up in your daily work? How do you know if Ethics are playing a part in the decisions that you are making? Is it a gut feeling or something you were taught when growing up? Our personal code of ethics plays a significant role in the...
Dining in the Dark
Recently, I had the unique experience of dining in the dark. Utter and complete blackness. The concept of this dining experience is to provide insight to the guests as to what it’s like for the millions of people living with blindness to maneuver through such an...
Why we need Disability Pride
"Pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired." Pride celebrations have long been a topic of...