Our Services Include:
Helping job-seekers identify and prepare for their career goals.
Assisting employers to recruit, train and retain employees – with a focus on diversity and inclusion. CAES connects employers with a diverse talent pipeline.
Providing post-hire support to ensure success and job retention; CAES provides ongoing support to the employer at no cost.
Disability Accessibility Audits; including HR recruitment and on-boarding processes, training, and workplace environmental audits.
Psychological Health and Safety workshops and consultations on a fee-for-service basis. The new Workplace Psychological Health and Safety Standard is currently voluntary but will eventually be incorporated into mandatory Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Standards.
Calgary Alternative Employment Services (CAES) is:
Providing leading edge services for work ready job-seekers and inclusive employers since 1998.
People Focused
Building the capacity of job-seekers and employers to succeed on their terms.
Knowledge and Supportive
Over 15 years of expertise in the areas of employability, diversity, retention and workplace culture.
Success Oriented
Providing services which generate positive outcomes for both business and job seekers.

Our experience with CAES has been fabulous from the start. CAES has a wonderful compassionate team who are very approachable. This approach-ability allows the employer to feel comfortable contacting them anytime for guidance, questions and support. They have also helped us find some amazing employees who are great assets to our company and still a part of our team years later!
The hiring and on-boarding process went perfectly, I wish that it could go like this with all new hires. (CAES Candidate) Devon is a wonderful addition to our team and has exceeded our expectations in every way imaginable!